DOUGLAS Truck Parts 

Call Toll Free: 877-434-2292

Open an account with Douglas Truck Parts!

Ordering Information
Order via phone, fax or e-mail. Catalog #211 shows over 2,000 of the most common items used in the industry, but our warehouse has over 25,000 items from major manufacturers. If you don't see it in the catalog, please call us. We'll get back to you promptly with price and availability.

Charge Accounts
We offer terms to qualified companies. Please supply at least three trade references that presently extend you credit and the name of your bank. Allow ten days for credit application processing.

Download the credit application here.

Print the application, and fill out the information requested. The information will only be used to open a charge account and will be held in strictest confidence. Mail the application or fax it to: 312-225-4033. We will contact you within a few days

                                Call Toll Free: 877-434-2292